A MAN accused of being part of a drugs gang tried to get rid of cocaine when police raided his house, a jury heard today.

Pc Keith Morgan told the jury at Oxford Crown Court he was in a group of officers who raided a house in Garsington Road, Cowley, a year ago.

A colleague told him a man who gave his name as Rickson Gill threw a white lump into the back garden.

Gill, of Garsington Road, Cowley, Oxford, denies conspiracy to supply a class A drug and possession of a class A drug with intent to supply.

Pc Morgan said: “I banged on the door and shouted ‘Police, open the door’. Det Sgt [Simon] Howells explained that he had seen Gill attempt to throw an object out of the sliding patio door of his bedroom. It was a grey sweatband containing a lump of white powder.”

The jury heard the powder was found to be cocaine. Pc Morgan agreed with Peter Du Feu, defending Gill, who said: “Mr Gill came to the door and he immediately gave his correct name.” Officers also found another lump in a rucksack. Nine others deny conspiracy to supply a class A drug. They are: Elton Celebriqi, 29, of St Margaret’s Road, Oxford, Leon Cohadari, 31, of The Paddocks, Deddington, Gention Harizaj, 27, of Alice Smith Square, Littlemore, Elmand Koshaj, 35, of Kestrel Crescent, Oxford, and Albert Kovaki, 36, of Glenfield Avenue, Enfield, London, Uljan Nelku, 30, of Raglan Gardens, Reading, Olton Nezha, 35, of Mendip Heights, Didcot, Artan Lleshi, 33, of no fixed address, and Errin Meta, 26, of Samphire Road, Blackbird Leys, Oxford.

The case continues.