IN REPLY to articles in your paper over the ongoing situation in Gaza, I would like to thank writers for their contribution to the subject.

I agree that the Palestinians should be left alone to get on with their lives and take charge of their own land.

I also agree they were probably there first. But, as I said in my letter to the Oxford Mail, on February 3, there is enough land for all, so there shouldn’t be a need for any groups of people to kill each other, wherever they live.

I became a little confused at the replies to my letter, and was labelled a Zionist sympathiser and a person who believes in ethnic cleansing and lacks a sense of proportion.

Those comments are a far cry from who I am. I am not a person who, in any way, condones the activities I have been accused of.

These writers all seem to have such a high moral judgement of activities going on in the world, and like to fight the cause of the downtrodden.

That is a very noble trait to have, indeed, but is probably gleaned from the cosiness of their comfortable homes and piles of books on great heroic sagas.

It would be quite interesting to see what their moral values would be if one of their loved ones was killed.

Would they be so noble then? Would they be worried about proportions or percentages? I think not. Would they be concerned about anybody else? I think not.

At that time, you would only have your grief and no morals.

In future, could these writers please, when reading a letter or correspondence, read it properly and reply in the correct context. And also without the history lessons please.

It would be interesting to hear your replies. It’s good to share opinions. Please don’t trip over each other in your dash to the bookshop.

BILL GOODWIN, Pebble Hill, Radley