A HEADTEACHER says his school is knocking on the door of becoming outstanding after a good Ofsted report.

In its latest report, inspectors rated Thomas Reade Primary School, in Radley Road, Abingdon, as good overall.

It was also marked as outstanding in 17 areas.

Headteacher John Serle said: “We’re knocking on the door of outstanding – we’re a good school with outstanding features.”

Lead inspector Peter Thrussell said the school’s outstanding curriculum added “tremendous interest and excitement to pupils' learning”.

Other areas that received top marks included the care, guidance and support pupils were given and their personal development and well-being.

Mr Serle said: “As a school we were delighted with the outstanding judgements which are a celebration of the children’s personal development, well-being, behaviour, attendance and enjoyment of everything they do at school complemented by the curriculum.”

The only area the report highlighted for improvements was that teachers should ensure there was enough time in lessons to work at different activities. The school was last inspected in October 2005, when it was judged to be satisfactory, with some good features.