A PROPOSAL to pedestrianise Wallingford’s town centre to attract more shoppers has been criticised by traders.

South Oxfordshire District Council has drawn up an action plan to boost the popularity of the area’s market towns, including Thame and Henley.

One of the ideas is banning cars and buses from Wallingford town centre, which the council said would improve air quality and make it a more pleasant place to visit.

But traders fear the move could see a drop in trade if it is more difficult to reach the shops.

Council leader Ann Ducker said: ”All our market towns are suffering at the moment and we need to help the businesses in any way we can to revitalise the towns and make them better places.

“Pedestrianising was suggested, because of the air quality problems with buses and cars which go through the town.

“I think it might be quite difficult to achieve. It’s going to have major implications to achieve a zone free of traffic and we must proceed with caution.

“If you make a town too difficult to reach, people just won’t come.”

Kevin Willis, general manager of Pettits department store, in St Mary’s Street, said: “I would be against any form of pedestrianisation. While it’s a lovely idea, my own feelings are that once you take cars out of the town centre, you begin to reduce the number of people visiting. The bypass should take traffic out of the town centre.”

Sandra Witney, of the Sue Ryder Care shop, in St Martin’s Street, said: “I don’t think it will make Wallingford more vibrant. People do see things in the shop window when they’re sat in traffic and come in and get it.”

Patal Umesh, owner of Care Dry Cleaners, in St Martin’s Street, thought he would lose customers too.

Improved signs, promoting the town’s riverside attractions, an online guide to evening entertainment and a joint Midsomer Murders Trail with Thame and surrounding villages featured in the TV show are among the ideas in the action plan, prepared after workshops in the towns last year.

Oxfordshire County Council said it was working with the district council on the pedestrianisation idea, but it was still early days.

Residents and traders in the three towns have until Tuesday, March 24, to comment on the ideas.

Details can be found on the district council’s website, southoxon.gov.uk wallingford@oxfordmail.co.uk