THREE Oxfordshire art students have been commissioned to create work for the new wing of a Bicester prison.

Their ideas were chosen as the best of more than 60 entries in a contest organised by Bullingdon Prison and art gallery Modern Art Oxford, in Pembroke Street.

Oxford & Cherwell Valley College students were asked to come up with artwork using the theme ‘Unlocking potential, releasing success’ — taken from Bullingdon Prison’s motto.

The winners were Cat Spring, from Banbury, and Jack Eden and Chloe Bunce, both from Oxford, who will each get £1,000 to produce their piece on a larger scale.

Each artwork will be permanently displayed in the central wing of the new prison building.

Miss Spring said: “I was excited and inspired by the Bullingdon project from the moment I saw the brief. I’m a passionate believer in the diversely beneficial nature of art."

Nigel Atkinson, deputy governor at Bullingdon, said: “We were looking for artworks that would provide ideas about the future that are positive, offer a symbol of hope and are a civilising influence to prisoners, be meaningful and aesthetically pleasing.”

Laraine Jones, programme manager for art, design and photography at the college, added: “We’re extremely proud of the achievements of all of the students.”

The 12 short-listed entries are on display at Modern Art Oxford’s café until May 4.