A WOMAN was hit in the face by a mugger who tried to snatch her handbag.

The 20-year-old was walking in Herbert Close, off Barracks Lane, in East Oxford, at 10.30pm yesterday when a man cycled up alongside her.

The attacker tried to grab her bag and she was hit in the face during the struggle.

Det Sgt Steve Raffield said: “The offender came up behind the woman and took her by surprise by attempting to snatch her bag, which contained a laptop.

“Unfortunately, she was unable to get a good look at the man but she did notice that he was wearing a hooded top.

“I appeal to anyone who was in Cowley last night and saw a man on a bicycle with a hooded top to contact police as they may be able to help us with our inquiries.”

Anyone with information should call police on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.