AN RAF Brize Norton serviceman who was obsessed with underage girls groomed an 11-year-old and had more than 1,200 indecent pictures on his computer, a court heard.

Senior Aircraftman William Craig texted indecent suggestions to the youngster and tried to get her to pose in pornographic poses to send to his mobile phone.

But, even after he was caught when another child discovered he had been grooming the girl, the 22-year-old continued downloading child pornography on to his computer at the west Oxfordshire base while on bail, Oxford Crown Court heard yesterday.

Judge Terence Maher told Craig he was facing a prison sentence.

Peter Coombe, prosecuting, said police first found indecent pictures on Craig’s computer when they arrested him for grooming the girl in July 2007.

He also had two videos featuring child pornography and another indecent picture on his phone.

Mr Coombe said: “The text messages involved telling her the sort of sexual things he would like to do to her and asking her to send photographs of herself to him, which she did not do.”

He said Craig was arrested after another child spotted the text messages on the girl’s phone.

Mr Coombe said: “He said he thought it was a bit of a joke. He said he thought she was older than she was.

“He told her to keep the text messages secret, because he thought other people would get the wrong idea.”

Craig was arrested for a second time in November 2007, when further pornographic pictures of children were found on his computer.

Mr Coombe said : “He argued the toss about whether some were indecent. He described some as artistic.

“There are a vast number of chat logs and he was entering into lengthy correspondence and communication with females who appear to be under the age of 16.

“Webcams were involved and lots of sexual dialogue of all sorts with these girls.”

Craig admitted seven charges of making indecent photographs of children, one of causing or inciting a child into prostitution or pornography, one of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and one of possessing an indecent picture of a child.

He had earlier denied the charges but changed his pleas yesterday, when his trial was due to start.

The court heard the RAF was in the process of applying for him to be discharged.

Judge Maher released Craig on bail and adjourned sentencing until Tuesday, April 7, while a pre-sentence report is written.

Referring to the Internet chat logs, he said: “It shows, if you are right, an obsessional interest in girls under 16. I will adjourn this on a no-promises basis, because it clearly passes the custody threshold.”

Judge Maher also ordered Craig to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register.

An RAF spokesman said it was inappropriate to comment on the circumstances of the case until it was completed.

She added: “The RAF will consider any appropriate administrative or disciplinary action following the outcome of the case.”