A DOCTOR is planning to take the mother of all career breaks with a four-and-a-half year cycle ride around the world.

Dr Steve Fabes, of Southdale Road, North Oxford, hopes to raise £50,000 with a 50,000 mile trek to the world’s six populated continents for Merlin, which provides medical relief for victims of civil war, drought, earthquakes and landslides.

Dr Fabes, a 28-year-old registrar in the intensive care unit at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, said: “I will travel through 50 countries and cover up to 50,000 miles – a distance equivalent to almost twice the circumference of the Earth.

“I’m both excited and nervous. It’s a long time to be away from family and friends and I think they are a little worried.”

But it is not the first time Dr Fabes — a former Abingdon School pupil — has under- taken an extraordinary adventure. In 2000, he cycled the length of Chile with his brother, which took five months.

He said: “We travelled 6,000 km from the southern town of Punta Arenas in Patagonia up to Arica in the Atacama Desert.”

This project is a little more ambitious. Dr Fabes said: “I’m aiming to travel between 70 and 150km a day.

“It’s not a sprint, so I’ll get fitter as I go. To keep my legs turning I’ll have to eat anything up to 6,000 calories a day and, in the desert, carry up to 16 litres of water.

“I’ll be camping, but I’ll probably spend a bit on cheap hostels when I get into larger towns and cities.

“I think coping with loneliness, solitude and the lack of familiarity will undoubtedly be part of the challenge, and I’ll pester mates to join me for sections of trip.

“I’ve got a lot of faith in the premise that the world by and large isn’t as dangerous as it’s made out to be. Dangerous driving and dangerous roads are my biggest concern.”

Dr Fabes is also worried about breaking down on a remote mountain pass. He said: “I’ve always been fairly inept at mending bikes. I’ll invest in a good bike and try and brush up on my repair skills as much as I can before I leave. I’ll be bringing plenty of tools!”

Olympic gold medallist Chris Hoy wished Dr Fabes all the best. He said: “This is a hugely ambitious and inspirational journey – it will surely test Steve’s resolve and determination to the limit.”

To support Dr Fabes, visit cyclingthe6.com tshepherd@oxfordmail.co.uk