The Sixth Form at Cokethorpe is relaxed but disciplined, built on a combination of academic and social activities and with life-enhancing opportunities that stem from an increased variety of subject options and extra-curricular activities There was great excitement at Cokethorpe School when the roof of the new Sixth Form centre was recently put in place and the workmen moved inside to complete the fixtures and fittings.

This new development, along with a new 250-seater dining hall, is on schedule to be fully operational by September 2009.

Progress has been watched with eager anticipation by pupils of all ages, and can also be seen in the month-by-month photographic diary on the school website.

The need for enhanced Sixth Form facilities at Cokethorpe is a direct result of the burgeoning number of pupils taking A-Levels, in line with rapidly improving exam results.

The Sixth Form Centre, overlooking the beautiful woodland area and playing fields, will consist of a large social area, classroom and offices. These will be a welcome addition to the exclusive study area of the Library and the Costa Coffee Internet Café, both already providing privacy and privileges for the Sixth Formers.

The Sixth Form at Cokethorpe is relaxed but disciplined, built on a combination of academic and social activities and with life-enhancing opportunities that stem from an increased variety of subject options and extra-curricular activities.

In addition, Cokethorpe's unique Business Sponsorship Scheme allows the sixth formers to experience a working environment whilst still at school, and even to receive a degree of financial sponsorship.

Shared experiences become shared memories and the sixth formers find that lessons learnt from each other are just as valuable as their examination grades, with life-long friendships formed.

Former students keep in close touch with the school, and two recent leavers, now in their first year at university, have described with great enthusiasm how higher education is treating them.

Both were keen - unprompted - to pay tremendous tribute to the preparation for this next stage in their lives that they had been given at Cokethorpe.

Sophie Russell is studying medicine at Peterhouse College, Cambridge, having achieved all A grades at A-Level. She is making the most of every opportunity, as she did in the Cokethorpe Sixth Form.

Amy Minch is set to realise her life-long ambition to be a vet, having also achieved all A grades at A level, and is now studying at the Royal Veterinary College in London. She is continuing to play sport at the highest level.

Sophie said: "Cambridge has provided me with so many incredible new experiences.

Being taught by academic experts at the forefront of research, and surrounded by a community that wholy supports personal achievements in all aspects of life, has encouraged me to reach my full potential and allowed me to excel."

Amy added: "I have loved every second of university so far. Like Cokethorpe, the RVC is quite small so has a great supportive community.

"I am especially enjoying the practical side of the course as no two weeks are ever the same.

"I wasn't sure how I would cope moving to a big city but am thoroughly enjoying having so much diversity and Cokethorpe gave me the confidence to make the most of every opportunity.

"I am playing hockey for the university, which is a great fun way of dealing with the stress of a high work load and has allowed me to get to know people from other years.

"I am more sure than ever that I have chosen the right career path."