BMW has been told it treated its 850 sacked agency workers at Oxford's Cowley car plant “worse than dogs” in a stinging attack by the trade union Unite.

Tonight, Tony Woodley, the joint general secretary of the UK’s biggest union, told the Oxford Mail he had personally written to Dr Norber Reithofer, the chairman of BMW’s board, to protest at the “outrageous form of dismissal”, referring to the job cuts confirmed by the German car manufacturer on Monday.

In his letter to Dr Reithofer, Mr Woodley said: “You have treated your workforce with utter contempt.

“The difficulties of the car industry globally are well known, but the manner in which BMW has sought to address the reduction of its volumes at the Cowley plant in the UK is nothing short of disgraceful.

“You would not treat a dog this way, never mind loyal and committed employees.

“The dismissal of the weekend shift, with many workers who have worked at Cowley for up to five years, with only one hour’s notice, has to rank as the most outrageous form of dismissal that we have experienced in the car industry in the UK.

"You have exploited not only our agreement on the use of agency labour, but also, more importantly, you have exploited ordinary men and women, who deserve better treatment from an employer of your standing.”

Mr Woodley added that Unite would not accept the dismissal of more agency workers, who are due to return to work on Monday, without proper negotiations.

He said: “Notwithstanding any announcements you may already have made to employees, permanent or agency, we do not expect you to confirm any dismissals until we have had proper negotiations about the situation.

"My members, be they permanent or agency, are workers with families and responsibilities, not some asset to be cast aside as cannon fodder.

"I not only speak for my members but I think for Britain, when I ask for a meeting with your company to find a more acceptable solution to what I appreciate is a difficult time for BMW and the industry."