A group of actors has embarked on a countywide tour of schools to produce quickfire tales inspired by National Storytelling Week.

Creation Theatre Company has turned February into ‘storytelling marathon’ month as its performers get pupils from across Oxfordshire involved the art of spinning a good yarn.

The Oxford-based theatre company, which is best known for its open-air productions of Shakespeare at Oxford Castle and Headington Hill Park, is currently visiting schools across the county.

At each school, pupils are given just two-and-a-half hours to create, rehearse and stage their own interpretations of well-known stories by Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm, or from Arabian Nights.

The latest school they visited was St Barnabas Primary School in Hart Street, Jericho, Oxford, encouraging children from years three, four and five to develop their dramatic talents.

Teacher Lesley Pettitt said: “The children performed Abu Hasan from Arabian Nights, Hansel and Gretel and two more stories from Arabian Nights.

“There were time pressures, but I think everyone enjoyed it and the actors were fantastic.

“They tailored it perfectly to the children and every performance was a great success.

“It’s the first time we’ve done something like this and I would thoroughly recommend it to other schools.”

Lucy Askew, Creation’s education development manager, said: “Storytelling is a rich and important part of our cultural heritage.

“We hope that the storytelling marathon will encourage children to develop their imaginations, improve their teamwork and public speaking skills, and build confidence.”

During the month, the school that impresses the theatre company most with its creativity and teamwork will be also awarded tickets for Creation’s Christmas show.

Some spaces are still available for the actors to visit local schools. For more information visit creationtheatre.co.uk or call 01865 761393.
