The annual subscription might have gone up nearly 600 per cent, but at least the tea’s free.

Members of Kennington Link Women’s Institute are celebrating the 40th anniversary of their inaugural meeting in February 1969.

The group was born because Kennington’s established Women’s Institute — known as the Evening Institute — had a full membership and a lengthy waiting list.

Secretary Jean Mundy, 77, said: “The Evening Institute donated seven shillings to start the Link’s bank balance.

“The annual subscription was 10 shillings and a cup of tea was sixpence.

“Today, membership stands at 28 and subscriptions have risen to £29, but we no longer have to pay for our tea.”

The group held a 40th birthday party in the Methodist Hall at its monthly meeting last week.

The Steventon Singers performed.

Mrs Mundy said: “Over the years many things have changed, but the group is always supportive of village charities and members take an active interest in many local events.

“In 1977, we marked the Silver Jubilee by planting a tree at the health centre, while one of the more recent charities to benefit from our fundraising was Bus-4-Us.”

Kennington Link WI meets in the Methodist Hall on the first Wednesday of the month at 2.15pm.

Mrs Mundy said: “I’m the only original member, which makes me feel old.”

President Ann Coulter, 77, a WI member for 12 years, added: “It’s great to reach 40 years.

“The WI gives women a voice and offers friendship and companionship.”

Rosalie Whiteley, 76, of Cranbrook Drive, Kennington, joined the group in 1988 after retiring as headteacher of Larkrise First School.

She looks after the group’s photo album, a record of the past four decades.

She said: “The WI offers all kinds of opportunities — it isn’t just jam and Jerusalem.”

Over the years, women have had talks on subjects as diverse as Bullingdon Prison, the Radcliffe Infirmary, Morocco, kites and silk.

The WI formed in 1915 to revitalise rural communities and to encourage women to become more involved in producing food during the First World War.

Ninety-three years later, it is the largest women’s organisation in the country with 205,000 members in 6,500 WIs.

Kennington Link WI is holding a 40th anniversary coffee morning in the Methodist Hall on Wednesday, March 18, at 10.30am. New members are welcome.