The top five entries in a film competition highlighting the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption are now on YouTube.

The ‘One too many’ competition has been jointly organised by Thames Valley Police, the Hampshire Constabulary and NHS South Central.

Students across the Thames Valley and Hampshire were asked to produce a three-minute film to highlight the dangerous consequences of excessive alcohol consumption.

Canon, the competition sponsor, has offered three top of the range camcorders to the winning film directors.

The winners, who will be chosen by public voting on the YouTube site, will be announced on Wednesday, March 11, at an exclusive premiere at the University of Reading.

The premiere is free of charge and open to the public on a first come, first served basis. Details on the event can be found on the Thames Valley Police website.

Insp John Fox, head of Thames Valley Police’s ‘Know Your Limits’ campaign, said: “Young people who have been drinking to excess are more at risk of being the victim of attacks, robberies, and sexual assaults.

"We are heartened to see that the students taking part in this competition are taking this problem seriously – and in such a creative way.”