Marcus Nispel, who directed the 2003 remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, helms this revamp of the seminal 1980 chiller about a masked psychopath running amok at Camp Crystal Lake.

In this new incarnation, Clay Miller (Jared Padalecki) is searching for his missing sister Whitney (Amanda Righetti) and pursues the few leads to Crystal Lake, where locals and the police warn him to stay away from the infamous beauty spot.

Ignoring these sage words, Clay heads for the site of Jason Vorhees’ bloodthirsty rampage accompanied by local lovely, Jenna (Danielle Panabaker), discovering rotting old cabins covered in moss and an eerie quiet.

The air is soon filled with the screams of eviscerated, fun-seeking college students as Jason (Derek Mears) rises from the grave to slay again... and again... and again.

So why has this won our Valentine’s Seal of Approval? Well, because of all the new films released this week, this is the one MOST LIKELY to initiate some level of physical intimacy – whether it be in the cinema as you attempt to comfort your shaking boyfriend who’s just spilled all his popcorn, or later on the sofa at home as he attempts to frighten you...

The truth is, more relationships have enjoyed their first spark of passion during, or after, the screening of a film in which teens get slaughtered mercilessly, than any Bridges of Madison County or Pretty Woman.

For some reason, death by axe fans the flames of love.