We are not a nation renowned for its moaning. By and large we manage to tolerate things.

But democracy is all about making your voice heard – and yesterday scores of pensioners gathered at Oxford Town Hall to do just that.

Their beef? A potential shake up of bus travel as part of a wider scheme to pedestrianise parts of Oxford city centre.

About 100 OAPs have demanded answers from Oxfordshire County Council, the architects of the Transform Oxford scheme, about plans to scrap a number of bus stops in the city centre and halt services at The Plain.

Top of their list of concerns is that their elderly friends will be forced to wait much longer for buses.

Good on them for making their point, we say.

County councillors take note: If there is one group not to be messed with it’s Oxford Pensioner’s Forum.

They are a fierce but fair group, unafraid to speak up.