A man who reportedly hanged himself in Oxford has been identified.

William Banting died at the John Radcliffe Hospital after he was found unconscious by paramedics in a driveway in Clive Road, Cowley, at 9.20pm on Sunday.

Paramedics had been alerted to the incident by the ambulance control room, which received a call that a man was hanging outside the house.

When they arrived, the 34-year-old was unconscious and could not be revived. Police launched a murder inquiry and arrested two men, aged 30 and 35, in connection with Mr Banting’s death after “various inconsistencies” emerged.

At one point 20 officers were working on the case.

Yesterday, both men were released without charge and Oxford police commander Supt Andy Murray said it was believed the man took his own life.

Mr Murray said key witnesses had left the scene before police arrived, but new information had since been received. He said: “As a result of this investigation and responses from witnesses from the media appeal yesterday we were able to rule out the possibility that the man was murdered.

“The actual cause will be determined by the coroner — although the indications now are that he took his own life.” Mr Banting, who is believed to have family in India, had lived at the house in Clive Road for about two years.