Two 21-year-old men arrested in connection with an armed robbery at Stanton Harcourt Post Office have been released without charge.

A man threatened post office staff with a gun and stole cash and cigarettes during the robbery on Friday.

The two 21-year-olds, who were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to rob on Sunday and yesterday, have been released without charge.

A 29-year-old man from Witney, who was arrested on Saturday on suspicion of robbery, remains in police custody.

A 32-year-old man and 32-year-old woman from Witney, who were also arrested on Saturday for conspiracy to rob, are also still in custody.

Two other men aged in their mid-30s were arrested on Friday and later released on bail, to return to Witney police station on Thursday, February 5.

Anyone with information about the robbery should call 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.