An activity centre that was opened specifically for Oxfordshire children is to celebrate its 40th birthday this year.

Since 1969, Yenworthy Lodge, in Exmoor National Park, north Devon, has been the home of many happy activity holidays for the county’s pupils aged from five to 16, offering them the chance to go surfing, rock climbing, kayaking and canoeing. The centre, set in three miles of beech and oak woodland, is owned by Oxfordshire County Council as part of its outdoor education programme. It has also hosted groups of young offenders and children of asylum seekers.

Now Yenworthy wants pupils and former pupils to send in memories of their time at the centre as part of its birthday celebrations. Steve Cox, who has been head of the centre for 22 years, has also organised a special open weekend at the start of May, to mark the anniversary.

He said: “We offer children the chance to explore and have fun under the proper guidance.”

The centre needs pictures and tributes from former visitors to use in a display.

Anybody who wishes to pass on memories can do so by emailing Mr Cox on steve.cox@ or by writing to the centre at Yenworthy Lodge, Oare, Lynton, North Devon, EX35 6NY.

Former visitors interested in the open weekend should call Mr Cox on 01598 741266 or visit the website