AN OXFORD photographer is displaying his photos of a natural beauty spot at one of the city’s best-known pubs.

Adrian Arbib, 45, is well known for his efforts to save the former Castle Mill boatyard in Jericho from development.

But when he’s not campaigning to protect the boatyard site, he often takes photographs on Port Meadow.

He has been taking photos of the scenery and of people walking on the common land for the past 10 years.

And he is now showing some of the images at The Perch pub in Binsey, which can be accessed from the meadow.

Mr Arbib said: “I have got drawers full of pictures of Port Meadow and I have chosen about 30 to be displayed at The Perch.

“The Perch is part of the meadow, and I thought it would be the perfect place to display the photos.

“The majority of the images are landscapes in colour, but there are a number of full-length portraits in black-and-white.

“My favourite portrait is of Dennis Drinkwater, a local farmer, next to a cow.

“The Drinkwater family has been farming the meadow for 100 years and the portrait is emblematic of the meadow.”

Mr Arbib said he loved the calm atmosphere of Port Meadow, which is on the doorstep of his home in Jericho.

He added: “I have flown all over the world taking photographs for Christian Aid, The Guardian and Reuters, but somehow I felt slightly disconnected from the places I was photographing.

“When I was travelling, I could get on a plane and wake up and not realise what country I was in.

“When I moved to Oxford about 10 years ago, I realised there was this beautiful space right on my own doorstep.

“The photos are taken at different times of day and reflect the changing seasons.”

Mr Arbib said the pub was not charging him to display the photographs, which are for sale from £130.

He added: “I approached the pub to suggest the exhibition and they thought it was a good idea. I hope people walk across the meadow to come here for a drink and a look at the photos.

“Oxford is losing gallery space so it would be nice if more places like The Perch could put on these kind of exhibitions.”

Mr Arbib has also set up a website showing the photographs and video footage of Port Meadow from the 1980s, on Charlie Brivot, a manager at The Perch, said: “Some people have already made a special trip to have a drink and a look at the photographs. It’s good for business to have the exhibition here.”

Mr Brivot said the photos would remain in place at least until the end of the month.

In September The Perch reopened after a devastating fire damaged the roof in May the previous year.

l In October, a planning inspector ruled Spring Residential could not go ahead with plans to build more than 50 flats on the site – and now residents are hoping to buy the land for the community.