Dani Behr has reportedly spent £15,000 on beauty treatments in a bid to win 'I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!'.

The 37-year-old presenter was said to have been worried about not looking her best alongside younger contestants Nicola McLean and Carly Zucker and so shelled out the staggering sum on dermabrasion, electric current therapy and muscle-tightening to avoid looking haggard.

A source revealed: "The electrotherapy is hardcore. You put the pads on your face and crank up the current as much as you can stand - it feels like intense pins and needles. But Dani was determined to look as youthful as the other girls."

Dani - who is believed to be hoping for a TV comeback following the show - also shed over a stone on a gruelling diet and exercise regime prior to appearing on the show, which the insider claims is part of her plan to take the Queen of the Jungle crown.

The source added to Now magazine: "Dani's a former stage school kid and she's very competitive. She's convinced she's going to win the show.

"Even though she's going up against much younger women, Dani thinks the effort she's made should see her through to the final.

"The burning ambition that made her a '90s sex symbol has never really left her."

Nicola McLean was dubbed "ugly pirate" at school.

The glamour model was forced to wear an eye patch following corrective surgery on a squint, making her a target for bullies who mocked her appearance.

Her mum Margaret revealed to Heat magazine: "She became quite self-conscious when she was at school because she had a bad squint in one of her eyes.

"Eventually she had corrective surgery on it but that meant she had to wear a patch for a while. After that, the bullying got even worse and the kids started calling her an 'ugly pirate', which used to really upset her."

Nicola has admitted to her 'I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!' camp mates that she is never seen in public without make-up and her mum believes it stems from her insecurities over her childhood bullying, as well as taunts from fellow glamour models.

Margaret added: "She was bullied by other models who would say she wasn't good enough.

"Nicola always likes to wear make-up on her eyes to make them look bigger.

"Maybe the whole squint thing made her think her eyes weren't attractive and that eye make-up would make them look better and less squinty.

"It makes me feel sad, she's such a great girl, she has no reason to be insecure."