Councillor Craig Simmons suggests the topless dancing at KuKui on October 29 may have risked the welfare of the snake that took part. Like how?

A 12ft snake normally needs two or three handlers. That one young woman performed single-handedly with the animal suggests she is skilled and experienced, or she would not have managed at all.

It is true that if anything frightened the snake it could decide to squeeze her too tightly. But she had helpers, which is vital because they would need to know how to rescue her.

Snakes can be wary of strangers. KuKui’s customers would be safe touching it under supervision and instruction, so long as they did nothing that might prompt it to squeeze or bite them.

The snake-dancer’s helpers, plus her public liability insurance, should cover this.

Snakes need warmth. KuKui is smoke-free and warm enough for the performers to be semi-naked, so the snake would have been comfortable and safe.

The snake-dancer’s largely naked body would also have kept the snake warm and comfortable.

We do not know if the snake’s home is a large, well-equipped vivarium, or if it travelled in warmth and comfort between its vivarium and the show. But that goes for every exotic pet kept and exhibited in Britain.

Too many people have bad ideas about snakes.

Thanks to one skilful young dancer, up to 800 young people have seen a magnificent one in a safe environment, appreciating snakes as wonderful creatures to be understood, protected and enjoyed.

Hugh Jaeger, Park Close, Oxford