Pupils from a North Oxford primary school are to decorate a green space with artwork thanks to a National Lottery award.

In 2006, following a four-year battle, county councillors backed a campaign to register the patch of land near Port Meadow as a Town Green, following a House of Lords ruling.

Oxford City Council wanted to build 45 affordable homes on the Trap Grounds, but withdrew its plans following the ruling.

The Friends of the Trap Grounds fought for the nine-acre site to be registered as a Town Green so it could be used as an open space by local residents.

Now, pupils from nearby SS Philip and James School, in Navigation Way, will take part in an art project to brighten up the green space after the group received the National Lottery Awards for All grant of £4,750.

Catherine Robinson, a spokesman for the group, said: “The Trap Grounds is a wonderful place, full of badgers, foxes, lizards and protected species of all kinds, and is the only patch of green left in an intensely developed area.

“We had to raise £50,000 through jumble sales and special events to fight for the right to preserve it.

“This project is our chance to celebrate the area, to raise its profile and encourage even more visitors.”

Ms Robinson said the Trap Grounds bordered the school and local artist David Gosling would start working next year with pupils.