Michael Hugh-Jones (Oxford Mail, October 4) incorrectly supposes that the reported 67 per cent reduction in MRSA was "supplied by the hospitals' PR department", implying intent to mislead.

The figures were, in fact, chosen by the journalist from those made public by the Health Protection Agency.

The press office at the time advised the journalist that while these particular figures are correct, a more meaningful picture of infection rates is always gained by looking at trends over time.

The Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust is transparent about its figures for both MRSA and C.difficile and publishes them on its website. The full annual report, also available on our website, includes the following information: "In infection control, the ORH achieved a reduction of MRSA cases from 101 in 2006/07 to 50 in 2007/08, exceeding the 50 per cent reduction required by the PCT.

"We narrowly missed the PCT target of 432 cases of C.difficile in patients over 65 by eight cases."

The ORH's objective remains the prevention of all cases of avoidable infection in our patients.

Oliver Francis, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals