There are rumours that the Oxfordshire Animal Sanctuary at Stadhampton is in serious financial difficulty and I have been told by someone closely connected that it may have to close in the new year unless finances dramatically improve.

That would be a crying shame after all those years Margaret Gray has dedicated to the welfare of homeless animals since she started the sanctuary and her adoption programme.

The sanctuary has been kept going by donations, fundraising and sales from its small chain of charity shops run by dedicated volunteers which, in these present uncertain economic times, haven't been doing very well. Does the sanctuary get an annual grant from the local authority like other organisations? It should do.

We, as a family, have adopted three cats and two dogs from the sanctuary since 1973 and would not wish to see it close.

We are concerned about the fate of the animals currently there, some of whom will never be rehomed and would see out their days there.

It would be wonderful if all the animal lovers could help in some way to save the sanctuary. My wife and I have talked about it with our daughter and have decided not to buy each other Christmas presents this year and give the money we would have spent to the sanctuary instead.

We realise our donations alone will make little difference, so how about it, all you animal lovers out there, are you willing to help also?

Michael Clarke, Lewell Avenue, Old Marston, Oxford