A grieving mother has branded the thieves who stole statues of angels from her baby's grave as "scum".

Kelly Paskell was shocked to discover the mementos missing from the grave of her daughter Tiannah Betts, who died aged 10 months, on a visit to Berinsfield cemetery.

Her heartbreak was made worse as the discovery came on what would have been Tiannah's eighth birthday.

Among the items stolen were two angel statues and a number of glass ornaments with special messages engraved on them.

Miss Paskell said: "It's just really upset me to think there's someone that disgusting, who would steal stuff from a baby's grave.

"Whoever has done this is complete scum. I really don't know what I would do to them if I found out who it was.

"When I saw the stuff was gone, I started to panic and searched round the cemetery, thinking that someone might have just moved it, but I didn't find anything."

Miss Paskell, of Mickle Way, Forest Hill, said she contacted Berinsfield Parish Council after she made the discovery on Thursday.

However, the council said that its groundskeepers had not moved them.

She said: "With it being her anniversary it was hard enough, but to find that when I got here was just so hard.

"I find it difficult enough to visit the grave as it is, without something like this.

"They weren't particularly expensive, but I put the angels on her grave, because that's how I like to think of her.

"Taking these things down there and looking after her grave is all I can do for her now.

"I can't go out and buy her new clothes, I can only do this."

Tiannah died in August 2001 after falling into her grandmother's pond and becoming unconcious.

Doctors managed to revive her at the John Radcliffe Hospital, in Oxford, but she died two days later.

Miss Paskell said: "She was a beautiful little girl and I hope that whoever did this feels really guilty.

"How would they feel if it was their child and this happened to them?"

Anyone with information should call the police on 08458 505505.