Five out of eight homes burgled during a mini-crime spree in Oxford either had their doors unlocked or open.

Police believe a single burglar is behind eight break-ins in Jericho over a 10-day period.

Officers warned five of the homes proved easy targets because the homeowners had forgotten to secure front doors.

Items stolen include jewellery, cash, laptops, cameras and even 12 bottles of Champagne.

Det Sgt Marc Tarbit, who leads the Oxford police burglary team, said: "We seem to have at least one person targeting properties in the area and some Jericho residents have made the burglar's job far easier for them."

The burglaries took place between September 27 and October 10.

Two occurred in St Bernard's Road and Cranham Terrace and one each in Great Clarendon Street, Observatory Street, Worcester Place and Richmond Road.

Det Sgt Tarbit added: "It is vital that people take at least the basic steps to keep their properties safe. Being burgled is a traumatic experience that no-one would want to go through."

Police are sending out extra patrols in Jericho following a number of leads, Det Sgt Tarbit added.

Anyone with information should call police on 08458 505505 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.