First thing Friday morning is 'empty the bins day at work' and a chance to see the swallows which have nested under the roof of our goods-in department.

While walking out to the skip, the swallows fly past at lightning speed and my workmate and I marvel at their aerodynamic flight, a real wonder of nature.

We empty our bins, then make our way back, but before it's 'nose to the grindstone time', we both stand in awe of the birds for several minutes, gliding only centimetres above our heads.

Back and forth they go, looking for insects on the wing, then back, swooping up to feed their four young perched in the ceiling directly above us.

What a show!

Sadly, they've now migrated, but the swallows are a complete delight and I wouldn't swap that moment for all the tea in China — an experience better than an entire series of Bill Oddie's nature programmes. DAVID TINSON Moorland Road Witney