A couple who admitted a string of charges related to a house they rented out in Oxford have been fined £15,000.

Matloob and Sally Ahmed admitted failing to display their contact details at the house in Leys Place, East Oxford, as well as failing to ensure fire alarms were working.

The pair, of Iffley Road, Oxford, also admitted failing to supply gas and electrical appliance certificates and failing to keep the windows in good repair.

Oxford Magistrates' Court heard the couple, who have seven children, rented out the property as a house of multiple occupation.

Helen Lynch, prosecuting, said environmental health officers visited the property on March 27 this year.

Ruth Jackson, defending, said Mr Ahmed, 44, and Mrs Ahmed, 43, had the relevant certificates, but were not able to supply them within the seven-day deadline.

Chairman of the magistrates Frances Martyn fined the couple £15,000 and ordered them to pay £300 costs and a £30 victim surcharge.