For years, speculators in the City have been making obscene amounts of money "borrowing" and selling other people's shares, known as Short Selling.

Even fictitious share selling (Naked Short Selling), which are shares that don't even exist, are sold to make these Hoorah Henrys literally billions in bonuses.

Why, when a large bank or corporation goes bust, under these shady dealings or other mismanagement, do the top dogs (executives) trouser millions?

When are these practices — blatant criminal fraud, in any other 'life' — going to be stopped?

Doesn't the Financial Services Authority, the watchdog, receive millions from the Government? If so, for what?

Bearing in mind the ordinary person will be the one affected and, indeed, will have to shoulder the financial burden, why don't we nationalise all banks and building societies and have one Great Britain bank, with the profits passed to the people via pension funds?

I can hear readers' indignation but hey, shareholders would not lose their life savings in dodgy deals and you could, at a stroke, stop this immoral profiteering.

I realise the likes of big businessmen like George Bush and Gordon Brown would shake in their boots at the prospect — unless. of course, your name is Northern Rock, Freddie Mack or AIG etc, etc!

Just a thought!

TIM SIRET Evans Road Eynsham