Littl'un has been moved up from the baby room into the toddler room at nursery full time. She has been spending Mondays in the toddler room and Tuesdays in the toddler room since Easter and was supposed to me making the full time swap at her second birthday in August, but apparently she's ready now.
I know I should be pleased. She certainly loves being with older children.
And I'm not surprised she's ready - she's grown up so much in the past few months.
But it doesn't stop me feeling sad.
You see, it seems like only yesterday that I first dropped her off at nursery.
She was only a little dot then and I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown that first day back at work.
But now she's a little person - and a loud one at that and I'd be happy if she never changed a jot.
Whereas some friends seem to revel in their children changing and evolving before their eyes, I wish I could freeze her in time.
She can talk to me, she's funny, independent but still loves her cuddles, she's helpful, innocent and so happy she makes everyone around her giggle.
No doubt there will be even more wonders coming up in the next few months.
But right now I think she's pretty well perfect.