Am up to my eyes in nose juice.
Have never seen so much mucus.
I have a permanent snail trail down one or both sleeves and it's not pretty.
She has had a cold for a week or so, but I also think she is getting those side teeth because she is still chomping and also has a sore bum - nasty!
Since I last wrote she has gone up a class into the toddler room at nursery.
While she's there she now sleeps on a mat, not in a cot. She has no lid on her juice cup and she has her own coat peg.
Feel like chucking myself under a bus.
Next she'll be moving in with some hairy-arsed student type and bringing her washing home.
No, I shouldn't think like that - she's not even two yet after all.
Still, can't help feeling a bit sad though.
She meanwhile is ecstatic. Her nanny bought her a sticker book on her last visit and she now has four different ones on the go.
I am writing this with a cow sticker stuck to my nose.
Yesterday morning I found a sheep sticker in her sleeping bag. Even the dog has had one on her back.