I had forgotten what a sheer pleasure swimming can be.
Thanks to some good coaching - cheers Hanno and Phil - I have a much improved, languidly powerful stroke now. Well it is powerful compared to six weeks ago.
It means I can plough up and down a pool without feel too exhausted too quickly and really enjoy the swimming.
It's a funny discipline. When you go running or even cycling you get to enjoy the outdoors and some nice views along the way. But not swimming. You just get the bottom of the pool and, if you are slightly intolerant o chlorine like me, an annoying itch afterwards.
But now I am a bit better at it, it is like a form of meditation. 1, 2, 3, breathe, 1, 2, 3, breathe over and over can be weirdly relaxing and under water you can talk to yourself to your heart's content.
I'm still not looking forward to the swim at Blenheim though - the start is always like an all-in wrestling match, which is undignified for someone classy like what I am.