What an awful week. Not only has the weather been dreadful but also we have had Mr Darling’s budget to contend with. You have to laugh when politicians go on about global warming and green taxes. For green read greed. What a world we would live in if they had their way. No drinking, no smoking, no air travel, no cars. This is all from a bunch of herberts, most of who whom have never done a days work in their lives, who have their tax paid limos drive them 100 yards down the road, and then fly off to all manner of places at the drop of a hat and drink at the subsidised bar in Westminster. What a shower. Good grief. Well I feel better for that.
Things aren’t much better on the KBDG front I hasten to add. At the committee meeting last week I lost the will to live after 45 minutes of debate on CRB checks.
Is this why I joined the group in those far off halcyon days I ask myself?
This followed the announcement that the social side of the group looks like it’s bitten the dust. Never has the phrase ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ seemed so appropriate. We all should remember that we don’t stop laughing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop laughing. I must be getting old, the more I go on the less I can be arsed. God this reads like the script to Grumpy Old Men. Enough I say.
I asked a friend of mine if it was wrong to go around kissing everybody, well he said, it got him out of the army. I also found out this week why Hell’s Angels wear leather. It’s because Chiffon creases so. So now you know.
And on a further brighter note, rehearsals are progressing well for Ladies’ Day. This excellent play by Amanda Whittington is to be staged at Kingston Bagpuize with Southmoor village hall on 24th, 25th and 26th of April. Tickets available soon at £7 each. 7.30pm start. More details shortly. Well worth the effort for an evening of real entertainment. Here endeth the advertisement.