Well that’s it then. Backstage meeting has been and gone. All the jobs shared out, better start learning some lines I suppose. Rehearsals tomorrow night so not much time to get to grips with the part. Luckily it’s only a few lines so that shouldn’t be a problem even for me. This of course is always time when thoughts turn to ‘why am I bothering with this?’ But then on the play nights you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. It’s all very strange.
The KBDG event of the week took place last night with our annual skittles match.
Unfortunately I lost my title despite a valiant effort. Getting into the final six was the best I could muster. Congratulations however to the new champion, Chris Bowden, who was very nearly overcome when presented with the cup I could tell. Well-done sir.
Our thanks go to social secretary Sally for organising this prestigious event.
What else is happening this week? Well not a lot really. I have said in earlier blogs this is the flat time in staging a play when everybody knows now what they are doing but apart from learning lines and waiting until the stage is set and tickets become available, there is little to get excited about.
Having said that, I enjoy rehearsals and especially with this play. Did I mention how good I thought it was?
Well that’s it for this week, I am taking the advice of the title of this blog and I am away to sulk and look longingly at the ring in the dust where my skittle champion cup, used to sit. Ta Ra.