So my first rehearsal for ‘Ladies’ Day’ has been and gone. This is a great play. I have been in amateur dramatics since what seems like forever and I can tell you this is a great play. Get the old diaries out now and scribble in the dates, April 24th, 25th and 26th at Kingston Bagpuize with Southmoor Village Hall. If you want an evening of entertainment and laughter this is it. Did I mention I thought this was a great play?
We are fortunate that the talented Kate Belcher is directing this epic. Not only is she a very good actress and the winner of several awards, but also she is an excellent director.
Can’t wait for my next rehearsal.

Having been back from holiday now for a week, it now seems an eternity ago. You know the feeling, the tan is fading, the savings have gone, you have lost the photographs, what the devil was it all about?
I file the question with the other great-unanswered questions of life. Why do people say slept like a baby, when babies wake up every two hours? Why do they use sterilised needles for lethal injections? Why do we press harder on remote controls when we know the batteries are flat…you know the type of thing.

Back to things dramatic. This is the time the backstage crew is being put together, sets designed, props assembled, lighting and sound plots discussed. For anybody who has never been involved with amateur drama they would be amazed at the effort and commitment put in by the members, it still amazes me after all this time.
The Group annual skittle night is soon and the bets are on the leading skittlers (is that the technical term?) competing for the group cup. This is an impressive two-handled artefact priceless, in the sense it’s worth nowt, but greatly valued by me, as it’s the only sports trophy I have ever won. Sad isn’t it? It will be leaving my possession shortly I guess unless I can sharpen my game. Full ball by ball round up in my next blog.

I’ll leave you now with another piece of wisdom from my book of Zen, ready?
‘Generally speaking, you are not learning much if your lips are moving.’ How true.