No sooner has Littl'un blown out the candle on her first birthday cake, a letter has arrived about the next round of injections.
On the now-ominous September 11 she needs a meningitis booster, never a pleasant experience.
But soon after will come the MMR.
The problem with being a writer for a newspaper, is that you tend to write some pretty scary stories - and amongst mine are quite a few about children who've had problems after the MMR.
No-one can say for definite if there is a link between the injections and autism, but if you have spent time with a mum who says her little one was a normal healthy baby beforehand - but retreated into a silent world afterwards, it makes you pretty scared.
There is an option to pay to have the three jabs given separately.
I don't know if that makes any difference.
Doctors tell us it is safer to have the injections than not to.
And I know plenthy of babies who have had the MMR with no problems whatsoever.
But it all feels a little different when you're making the decision yourself.
I would welcome other peoples perspectives and experiences on this issue.