I am now an official London girl. I have battled with the crowds on the commute to work, begun to carry two pairs of shoes everywhere I go, learnt the names of all the free newspapers they hand out on the tube, become amazingly adept at dodging people in the street who are determined to make me sign up to something and, most importantly, am on first name terms with my local offie. I’m sure to some people these things aren’t the most inviting of prospects but I couldn’t disagree more. London is most definitely the place to be!

When I’m Oxford I always get up to odd and exciting ventures, variety is the spice of life and all that, but London takes things to another level. Recently I found myself picnicking on a bench by the river with my boyfriend Josh. We sipped cold Rose, ate cheese and biscuits and marvelled at the bright lights of the city around us. The other day I was given free tickets to a premier screening of the Bourne Ultimatum. On Saturday I was checking out a friend’s gig in a grungy, underground ‘day’ nightclub. 12 o clock in the afternoon and I was sporting a Vodka Redbull in one hand and clothes shopping in the other. Tomorrow I am going for a Chinese pole dance session. Everyday seems to hold something new and (yes I know it’s cheesy as hell but…) I quite literally wake up in the morning full of anticipation for where I’m going to end up that day.

That said, I was back last weekend for a good friend’s hen party and whilst I knew the clubs wouldn’t stay open till 7am and we’ll probably stay in the same place all night, there were unquestionably a lot of perks. In particularly I really enjoyed having a room full of real friends around me, the doormen greeting me by my first name on the door, getting back home at the end of the night in less than 20 minutes and waking up in the morning to silence rather than sirens…