No entry for last few days - poorly - possibly down to huge birthday cake overload at the weekend.
Yes, the little ankle biter has turned One.
Don't really know how I feel about it.
Told Himself I don't want her 'not to be a baby' - as usual he laughed and called me a mentalist.
The festivities turned into a three-day birthday tour.
Friday - the actual day our little cherub turned one, we opened up all her cards for her - she chewed the paper and probably wondered why her Weetabix was being disrupted in this way and then we set off for her birthday treat.
We went to the zoo, which she actually really loved, especially the camels and zebras.
On the way back it was tea with Nana and Pop and her cousins. Seemed a bit overwhelmed by presents and of course tried to grab her birthday candle, which the older ones eventually blew out for her.
Saturday am and we went off for a two-day tour of grandparents in Essex - she has two more sets, plus a Great Nan.
Had a fab time at the seaside. More toys than Hamleys and two more birthday cakes.
Came home with the car laden and put her to bed exhausted.
This time last year I was in the Great Western Hospital in Swindon, a little shell shocked but absolutely beaming all over with this little scrunched up, dark haired sproglet.
Now she's officially a toddler, blonde as you like and her fourth tooth is on its way.
What a year.
Wouldn't swap a thing.