Just back from two weeks abroad and I seem to have acquired a new baby somewhere through immigration control.
This one stands up in her cot, pulls herself up on everything (including the dog) and laughs her head off when you say No!
She is also inexplicably drawn to the remote control(and is now the first female in history ever to be able to even touch it!) plus plug sockets, stairs and the TV.
As a result of trying to 'walk' - which looks like she has something nasty in her nappy - she is falling and bumping her head at least three times a day.
I'm a bit worried about taking her to nursery next week in case they think I've been battering her.
And I was pretty worried about this holiday too.
Actually, eight hours on a flight, with her on my lap was actually giving me nightmares. But I needn't have got so stressed.
- The little blighter was a dream, there and back.
The air crew loved her - and all the passengers queuing for the loo.
The only downside to our trip has been the disruption to her sleep.
Last night she wanted to play at 12.30 - until 2.30am!
And today I've been trying to keep her awake as much as poss - to little avail.
Am currently drinking my 20th cup of coffee of the day.