The big local race of the year is almost upon us — there's now only a day to go before more than 4,000 people take part in the Blenheim Triathlon.
It's crazy to think that this time two years ago I was preparing to do my first ever triathlon.
I had no idea what to expect, but crossed the finish line knowing I'd definitely caught the tri bug and would be doing another - and soon. Within three weeks, I had done another one and within 12 months I'd earned myself a place on the GB team. That's the way to do it ;-)
This year, I haven't really tapered for Blenheim (tapering is the name given to reducing training before a race so you're fresh come race day) as my real focus is on the weekend after when it's the first round of qualifers for the World Championships.
But that's not to say the usual race day preparations aren't being ticked off the list.
The carbo-loading has begun - I'm eating foods high in carbohydrate, low in fat and low in fibre, so muesli is off the breakfast menu but power porridge is back on (porridge with chopped banana, walnuts and honey).
Evening meals are all about pasta and some kind of protein, be it tuna or salmon, and staying hydrated is important, as is sleep and R&R (no housework, gutted).
I've just done one of my final sessions - a short run - and tonight will do a speed session on the turbo (indoor bike trainer).
Friday will then be spent doing a bike to run session, preparing and checking all of my kit, possibly doing some last-minute transition practice and, last but not least, some mental preparation.
Sport psychology is something that has always intrigued me and I find visualising the race and various outcomes always helps with preparation.
I'm racing in the elite wave at Blenheim this year, which will see about a dozen professional or semi-professional female triathletes go head to head. I'll be there, in the mix, with double Olympian Michelle Dillon and last year's winner Rosie Clarke as well as training partner and team mate Sophie Whitworth. All of these girls are rapid, to say the least, so it's certainly going to be an interesting race... Bring it on!