Anyone hanging about outside Abingdon Tesco this week would have thought a nutter was on the loose in the photo booth.
I had to get some passport pix done for littl'un and let's just say I didn't really think it through properly.
If you didn't already realise, passport pix of kids, even babies, must not show any other person - not even a hand.
So there I am, full trolley, in the exit area of the supermarket, making the doors open and close as I juggled the baby, my purse and the week's groceries.
Inside the booth, popped the money in, twisted the seat up as far as it would go, checked no-one ws nicking my shopping and dropped my purse on the floor.
Picture one - top of my head as I headbutted the screen.
Back in the seat, positioned baby in range of camera and smiled.
Picture two - baby smirking up at me as she stuck her dummy up my nose.
Luckily, photo booths let you pick a picture you want copies off and you can keep posing until you're happy.
So, strike three, pink and hot mummy, positioning baby so as not to show any of my body and voila!
- nice shot of her ear and my hand trying to twist her head around.
Stormed out from behind the curtain swearing like a fishwife and got tutted at by an old bloke.
Let's just go to Butlins shall we.