The second play we intend to stage at the ODN Festival in June is The Canary Cage by Diane Raffle.
This play involves three women who are locked in a cellar. One is psychotic two are in danger. Only one survives. The play has the power to send shivers down your spine and keep you guessing until the end. Scary!

As time progresses I will tend to prattle on more about the ODN Festival. It really is a great night at the Unicorn Theatre in Abingdon. Two or three short plays are put on each evening in early June, the nights are light, the weather’s warm-ahhhh the British summer you can’t beat it can you? I digress, the tickets are not expensive and it’s in a good cause. End of advertisement.

Last night was the Blandy Boffins Quiz in my home port of Kingston Bagpuize. This is an annual lighthearted contest held in the hall and in aid of John Blandy school. The quiz is very well attended I might add, with teams formed from village organisations and groups of friends etc., etc. Due to a recent surge in membership our drama group fielded two teams, the Thespian Elders and the Thespian Youth (a title used in the broadest sense of the word.) To illustrate what a broad church our group is, one of our teams came first and one came last. Modesty forbids me to admit which team I was in have to say.
To tell the truth I am one of those sad people who enjoy quizzes and indeed attend a weekly quiz as part of a team aptly named Dramarama.

I cannot leave my blog this week without announcing I have recently been done for speeding. I was snapped by a speed camera (sorry safety camera) careering along at the breakneck speed of 35 mph. What the devil is going on? This was downhill by the way. My age allows me to recall that in the golden age when Britain was great, a burly police chappie in helmet and smart uniform would have said something along the lines “ Hexcuse me sir but did you know you were driving a tad in hexcess of the speed limit? Kindly be more careful in future. Have a nice day.” He would then have proceeded to be on his way and apprehend proper villains. Where did it all go wrong?