Well I've done it. I've gone and entered a triathlon.
My teachers always told me that my mouth would get me into trouble one day and they were right. I uttered the words "I would love to do a triathlon" and now I only have myself to blame.
I also blame my fellow blogger Tri Chick for being a bad/good influence and leading me astray/encouraging me in recent months.
I jog a wee bit and cycle to work every day which will be useful but will it be enough I keep asking myself? The answer is probably not, especially as in a heated macho moment I entered the sprint rather than the super sprint race and will have to swim 750 metres before getting anywhere near a bike.
So its off to the pool tomorrow to see how I do because I am not completely sure I can swim 750m in a nice calm pool, let along in a murky lake along with 100 other fools.
Still it's all good fun and who knows, I might follow Tri Chick's lead and end up representing my country!?