After five days of nightmare nappies, poor Little'un's runny tummy cleared up, but this morning she woke up with a runny nose!
Can't believe it!
Been worried sick about her all week.
Phoned the doc and he said to withold her milk and give her toast - yeah right - she has no teeth, how does she eat toast?
Rang my lovely, straight-talking, Geordie, Health Visitor, who sounded like she wanted to throttle the doctor.
She told me to get down the Co-op, buy rice, mash and banana and feed it to her with plenty of juice and her usual milk, which after a couple more stressful days, has done the trick.
But now her lovely little face is sore and pinched, her eyes are watery and her nose is streaming.
She looks at me so plaintively I could cry.
Have been to the chemist and got vapour rub and a vapour plug. Her breathing's better but I can still hear her snuffling as I write this.
All I can do is offer cuddles. Feel useless.
(Needless to say the big return to work didn't exactly go to plan. Will try again on Monday, if Littl'un is better.)