Well it happened.The thing every new parent dreads - Baby was ill this weekend.
I suppose we've got off lightly to date.
She's almost seven months old and has hardly had a snivel since she was born.
But nothing you read or anyone tells you can prepare you for how panic-stricken you feel when your baby first gets a temperature like Littl'un had this weekend.
Tried to stay calm on the way to the doctors.
We'd kept her clothes to a minimum and had given her Calpol.
Looked in the baby book, all the while trying not to think of all the terrible stories I've written over the years about sick babies.
The doctor told us she had a virus and should be kept cool and given Calpol at regular intervals.
Other than that, he said we just had to wait for it to pass.
Needless to say, it was a really long weekend.
Bless her, on Friday she didn't smile at all. Just lay on the rug looking forlornly at me and dropping off to sleep at regular intervals.
I felt so helpless. I just wanted to do something to make her feel better.
After one bottle she sat up and then projectile vomited.
It was like a scene from the Exorcist, just not as funny.
Afterwards she just sat there as if nothing had happened. But the sofa was covered, so was I and so was she.
I was so taken aback it took me a few seconds to react. Then it was a case of stripping everything off.
When I came back downstairs after after she'd gone off to sleep, I prepared myself for the pebbledashed sofa, but it was completely clean - not a drop of sick anywhere. Just a sheepish little terrier licking her lips.
It made me feel a little green, but to tell you the truth I was thankful!
A few days on Littl'un still has an upset tummy, but is back smiling.