In the past four months since littl'un was born, I've started noticing the strange, sometimes bizarre things people come out with when they see you pushing a pram.
"What is it?" (uh, it's a baby!)
"You look reallllllly tired" (thanks!)
"Feeding her yourself?" (bit flippin' personal!)
And: "Ahh, isn't she sweet. Who could murder one of them?" (this one gave me the collywobbles.)
But it wasn't just after the baby was born.
When I was pregnant, someone said: "I know what you've been up to!"
Another said: "Your bum's definitely got bigger"
And a guy filling up his car at a petrol station quipped: "Can I have my ball back?"
But my all time favourite has got to be: "Is she your first? Better get her a brother or sister then" - (just three days after I left the maternity ward!)