Baby is booked into a nursery from March next year.
Trying not to think about it at the moment but couldn't avoid a visit last week.
It was our second time there. The first visit was when I was about eight months' pregnant and I waddled around while the manager gave us a tour, knocking over mini chairs - and a few mini people - as I went.
It being our first baby there was silence when we were asked if we had any questions.
To tell you the truth, I was still a little stunned by the baby room - a small room filled with cots that put me in mind of a Romanian orphanage.
This visit however, I came prepared. I was now a mum and had a list of questions long enough to strike fear into even the most experienced nursery assistant.
And strike fear I did.
By the time I left, the woman in charge of the babycare class obviously had me pegged as the 'parent from hell'.
Be afraid - be very afraid!