Hello everyone,

We like to think we show intelligent films for a discerning audience but sometimes things just conspire not to let us get too big for our boots. One of the films we’re currently showing is the darkly beautiful Pans Labyrynth, the tale of a young girl living in the immediate and difficult aftermath of the Spanish Civil War. It’s a film that catches your concentration from its opening scenes, so yesterday Michael who is one of my very competent Duty Managers, was a little disconcerted when a member of the audience came out to say that he was being disturbed by someone snoring. Michael duly went to investigate and sure enough a gentleman in the back row had fallen well and truly into his own labyrinth of sleep and was snoring like a trooper. Trying to cause as little further disturbance as possible Michael shook the gentleman awake and enquired whether he was OK or would rather leave. “No, no!” our customer protested, “I’m fine, really.”

We all took it in turns to monitor this chap’s snoring activities for the next hour or so but although he certainly fell asleep again fairly promptly, this time it was nice and quiet and we kind of forgot about him until the (almost) last patron to leave at the end of the film came over to remind us that we still had a sleeping person in the back of the by now empty and dark screen. Michael went back in to wake this gentleman who, not a bit startled, merely asked if the rain had stopped. When told it had he merely said “Oh good, I’ll be off then.”

And we think people come because of the quality of our programming.

Will speak to you again soon,