I have a theory about my life, which has only dawned on me since we started writing these awful blogs.
That theory is, that I really am a sad git. I moan like nobody's business about having to write the same old rubbish every week, moan that they probably aren't being read, and moan that I have already exhausted all avenues with regards to running a local cricket club.
But am I really quite the full ticket? Because the very things that I moan about, I spend countless hours reading when I'm sitting at home with nothing better to do than watch the world drift by.
Yes, I am one of your closet bloggites (as one of my colleagues as previously described).
I've even been moved to write little comments at times.
And why, you ask?
Well, much as I think they are pointless ramblings, there are some mildly entertaining ones out there, particularly regarding someone's poor chickens.
I too have had bad experiences in that respect, and think I must've been mentally scarred from a very young age when I went down the garden to collect the eggs, only to be confronted with three headless feathered friends, that our local fox had taken a liking to overnight.
So what's all this got to do with my local cricket club?
Well, nothing at all really, save for the fact that as I sit here scratching my head wondering what to write about next, I realise that the whole point of these is just to waffle on about nothing in particular.

Well the OCA League season starts in earnest in only seven weeks time, and by this stage of the year, it really should be all-systems go as we gear up to another summer.
That's not quite the case at Minster Lovell – and truth be told – I really can't see when we are likely to get onto the ground. The flood waters around Wash Meadow (yes that really is the ground's name), are higher than I think I've ever seen for this time of the year, and with us due to hold interviews with prospective new groundsmen this week, I think it's going to be rather difficult to convince anyone who hasn't got a canoe to take on the task.
Luckily, the interviews are being held after dark, but I know of one candidate who has already said he'd like to get the roller on the square as soon as possible.
Roller, you ask? More like a roll-on, roll-off ferry I think!!
But be that as it may, the forecast for the next few weeks is set fair, and so hopefully we can start making inroads into preparing. As someone who is a big misery throughout the winter, the cricket season can't come soon enough.
At least it will stop me sitting at home reading other people's blogs!