The Nicaraguan Folk Mass will be performed in Oxford at the beginning of September.

Misa Campesina will take place at Blackfriars, St Giles, during the 9.30am mass on September 1.

Oxford has been twinned with the Nicaraguan city of León since 1986.

Organised by the Oxford León Association, the mass, sung in Spanish, will see singers and musicians join from far and wide.

Conductor Duncan Saunderson and accordionist John Garrick will lead the proceedings.

The Oxford León Association and Trust arranges fundraisers to aid charities in León, focusing on projects to support children and families experiencing poverty.

Attendees will be invited to donate to NECAT, an educational charity in a poor León area supported by the association.

There will be rehearsals on August 24 and 31 from 10am to midday.